Company Portrait

Hamburg Airport is Germany's fifth-largest airport.

Hamburg Airport is the largest airport in northern Germany and a company with a real history and tradition.

Aircraft have been taking off and landing in Fuhlsbüttel, Hamburg since 1911 – first airships, now planes. Hamburg Airport, the fifth-largest airport in Germany, is equipping itself with a modern infrastructure to face the challenges of aviation into the future. Here, at a glance, you will find the most important figures for the world’s oldest commercial airport.

Hamburg Airport in figures


Other important facts

Passenger figures

  • Air traffic continued to recover from coronavirus in 2024: Hamburg Airport recorded approximately 14.83 million arriving and departing passengers - around 9 percent more than in the previous year. 
  • Hamburg Airport during the corona pandemic: In 2021, around 5.32 million passengers traveled from Hamburg Airport, 69 percent less than in 2019 but 17 percent more than in the first year of corona (4.56 million passengers),
  • making it the largest airport in northern Germany - in 5th place nationwide.

Air cargo

  • The Hamburg Airport Cargo Center (HACC), which is directly connected to the apron with its own border control point, opened in 2016
  • The HACC can handle around 150,000 tons of air freight per year 
  • In 2024, around 65,400 tons of freight were handled via the HACC, which is around 39 percent more than in the previous year (2023: 47,200 tons) 


  • Over 55 airlines connect Hamburg Airport with around 125 national and international direct destinations - making Hamburg Airport the leader in northern Germany
  • Over 1,000 destinations worldwide can be reached with just one transfer.


Flight operations commenced in 1911 on a 44-hectare site.
Today, the premises have grown to 570 hectares, incorporating the largest contiguous green space in Hamburg.
The site is surrounded by a 22-kilometer perimeter fence and an 18-kilometer perimeter road. 


A comprehensive refurbishment of the 330,000-square-meter main apron (Apron 1) was undertaken from 2016 to 2020. 
A total of 55 aeroplanes can now be handled at any one time.
To handle aircraft, there are 19 pier positions (15 with jetbridges and 4 walk-in-walk-out positions) as well as additional remote positions on Apron 1. A further 14 remote positions on Apron 2 are available for charter and scheduled traffic.


Hamburg Airport has two intersecting runways.
Taking off and landing is possible in four directions.

General Aviation Terminal

A separate terminal with comprehensive infrastructure is available for general aviation.
On average, 35 private jets, propeller aircraft, and helicopters park in the adjacent hangar.
There are around 55 take-offs and landings per day (mostly commercial: charter flights, private flights, and training flights).

Shops, food & beverage, counters

 TERMINAL 1TERMINAL 2Plaza + PierTotal
Number of check-in counters





Number of shops and restaurants   





Number of travel agency counters







Hamburg Airport Group: around 1,800
Subsidiary companies: around 1,010
Flughafen Hamburg GmbH: around 790











269.4 million euros

274.8 million euros

119.6 million euros

128.9 million euros

216.7 million euros

259,4 million euros


Value generation in the region*

A total of 15,000 people are employed at Hamburg Airport, 2000 of them directly with Flughafen Hamburg GmbH and its subsidiaries.
Each of the 15,000 jobs at Hamburg Airport secures a further 1.8 jobs in Hamburg.
The purchasing power of domestic and international guests drive positive local demand effects amounting to 1.3 billion euros.
Every euro of value creation at the airport  also generates 2.0 euros of value creation in Hamburg – totalling at least 500 million euros per year.
*Source: Institute of International Economics (HWWI) report from 2017

Annual reports

Executive Board

  • Christian Kunsch

    Executive Board

    Chief Executive Officer of Hamburg Airport

  • Berit Schmitz

    Executive Board

    Executive Officer of Hamburg Airport

Core business divisions

Hamburg Airport has divided its core operations into various business divisions: Aviation Management, Passenger Management, Center Management, Real Estate Management, and the core competence area of Ground Handling. Alongside these divisions there are central administrative units, primarily fulfilling planning, advisory, and monitoring functions. Supporting companies provide specialist services needed by Hamburg Airport and external clients.

Hamburg Airport’s business divisions

The most important task of the Aviation Division is to ensure smooth airport operations, working in close collaboration with the airlines. Aviation is responsible for continuous optimation of passenger flow, airport logistics, and the strategic evolution of cargo. Furthermore, Aviation assigns aircraft positions on the apron and the check-in counters in the terminals. Responsibility for “safety and security” also brings the Airport Fire Brigade and the Security services within the scope of Aviation. 

Hamburg Airport’s focus on the needs of passengers is the remit of the Passenger Management Division. From home to the plane and back — one core business division is responsible for every point of contact with the passenger and every interaction that shapes the customer experience. This includes passenger information, passenger services, guidance and orientation at the airport, terminal management, baggage logistics, hygiene, and cleaning. 

The management of all rental units, management and marketing of the advertising business, and all retail and food & beverage activities are included in the remit of the Center Management (FC) Division. Responsibilities also include location marketing, guiding the joint marketing programme, awarding concessions for landside traffic, and the concept and rental of the new Air Cargo Center.

Real Estate Management is responsible for developing the airport property in line with demand and operating it safely. In addition to assuming operator responsibility, Real Estate Management is also responsible for project development and the planning and implementation of construction projects.

Various overlapping processes make up the Ground Handling Division. Ground handling services include, for example, loading and unloading aircraft, cabin cleaning, pushback, bus transfers, and passenger handling. Operative ground handling services are carried out by companies including subsidiaries GroundSTARS, CATS, STARS — operating under the umbrealla of HAM Ground Handling — and the minority holding AHS Hamburg. These companies are legally autonomous.


Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg (51% stake), AviAlliance GmbH (49% stake)

Supervisory Board & Economic Advisory Board of Flughafen Hamburg GmbH

Andreas Rieckhof
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Hamburg Flughafen GmbH and State Councillor of the Hamburg Ministry of Economic Affairs and Innovation

Gerhard Schroeder
Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Managing Director AviAlliance GmbH, Düsseldorf

Tobias von der Heide
State Secretary in the Ministry of Economics, Transport, Labor, Technology and Tourism of the State of Schleswig-Holstein

Oliver Jensen
Managing Director of HGV Hamburger Gesellschaft für Vermögens- und Beteiligungsmanagment mbH

Dr. Nadine Bräuninger
Head of Department ZR Authority for Environment, Climate, Energy and Agriculture at the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg

Dr. Sibylle Roggencamp
Head of the Asset and Investment Management Department of the Hamburg Finance Authority

Prof. Dr. Burkhard Schwenker
Chairman of the Advisory Council Roland Berger GmbH

Dr. Johannes Conradi
Managing Director Partner, Blacklake GmbH - BLACKLAKE Management Partner

Birgit Schweeberg
Head of Member Dialog and Audits at the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce

Dennis Krein
Executive Director AviAlliance GmbH, Düsseldorf 

Martin Hellwig
Employee representative, Chairman of the Joint Works Council

Jonny Rickert
Employee representative

Marcel Liedtke
Employee representative

Franziska Gscheidlinger
Employee representative

Jutta Lewe
Employee representative

Flughafen Hamburg GmbH's Economic Advisory Board is a platform where we regularly seek expert advice from northern Germany's business community. Here we discuss with key economic players how we can further develop Hamburg Airport's regional economic importance in line with demand and promote and highlight the positive macroeconomic effects emanating from the airport.

Achim Adams    
Owner, Adams Unternehmensberatung

Norbert Basler 
Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Basler AG

Stephan Biallas  
Partner, Ernst & Young GmbH Auditing Company

Dr. Christian von Bötticher    
Chairman of the Board, Federation of the German Food Industry

Andrea Bruckner   
Chairman of the Executive Board, BDO AG

Michael Conrad  
President, DEHOGA Hamburg

Ulfert Cornelius  
Präsident, Business association Hafen Hamburg / Managing Director, Evos Hamburg GmbH

Stefan Dräger              
Chairman of the Executive Board, Drägerwerk AG

Felix Faber  
Managing Director, Deutsche Shell Holding GmbH

Dr. Norman Goldberg
Chairman of the Executive Board, tesa SE

Robert Heinemann
Managing Director, ECE Group Services

Uwe Heckert
CEO, Philips Market DACH

Dr. Hans Fabian Kruse  
Managing Director, Wiechers & Helm GmbH

Christian Kühn    
Managing Director, Joh. Berenberg, Gossler & Co. KG

Wybcke Meier    
CEO, TUI Cruises GmbH

Wolfgang Raike
Chairman of the Board, Tourismusverband Hamburg e.V.

Willem van der Schalk    
Managing Director, Willem van der Schalk International GmbH

Annika Schwieger
Owner Anni Carlsson GmbH

Thomas Stöckel  
Senior Vice President Supplier Relations, BCD Travel Germany

Nawina Walker 
Location Manager, Airbus Operations GmbH

Our history

Worth knowing

Hamburg Airport Helmut Schmidt has been operating at its original location in Hamburg-Fuhlsbüttel since 1911 and is considered the oldest commercial airport in the world.